Thursday, November 30, 2006

PICS!! Kenya and Tanzania

We`ve managed to get the pictures on the site!! It`s a wildlife episode... enjoy!!

After a night on the ferry from Zanzibar back to the mainland we`re having a pretty laisy day...
Tomorrow we will take our first overnight trainride here in Africa to the south of Tanzania from where we will cross the border into Malawi. during the day philippe and I can sit together but when sleeping, men and women are being separated... we`ll let you know how it went...

the zanzibar story will follow... tropical beach ...diving... dolphinswimming(unforgettable!!!)...getting lost in stolen... policestations... a day in court... but it all worked out, so no worries

big kiss to everyone!!

and about the new look... at least i`m not having a bad hairday for a while ;-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laura meid, die nieuwe look staat u!
En alweer supermooie foto's...
kijk uit naar jullie volgend verslag.
groetjes An, Roel en Kasje x

2:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey mate, u should be lucky to have Sinéad O'Connor as your girlfriend, she sings great, nothing compares to her ! Great pictures by the way ! I love animals, all the best ! greetings from Ireland !

vamos says hi

12:26 PM  

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