Thursday, June 15, 2006


been diving full time for the last 5 days...
diving is from another world here, first day in sipadan: over 50 gigiant turtles, 20 sharks, gigantic eagle ray, schools of meterlong barracudas, trevallies, jacks, groupers... anything imaginable...just too much to mention. just didn't know where to look at times.
took some pics at kabalai, but there is something wrong with either this site or the pics cuase i can't put them on the site
next time we go to sipadan we'll take pics there and i`ll put some on the site. sipadan really deserves to be calles the third best dive stite of the world. it is just unbelieveble

the citiy itself is an absolute shithole, nothing to do. no bars, few places to eat, ... just dead around 21h. but i'm at sea between 8 and 17 and after that it is shower, diner, soccer and sleeping... i forget how exhausting diving was. i found an room in a hotel for 125euro a month with hot shower, cable tv, airco and they clean it every day... so it is perfect
i am doing my divemaster with to other guys. lots of fun


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